Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What's in the bag?-Lemon!

Lemon! I love it and always have it on hand. It's an oil that doesn't get enough credit. It's a simple and inexpensive oil ($11 wholesale) that does a ton! Just look at the above picture. When someone is new to oils, lemon is a great place to start! I use it in my water daily. Usually 2-3 drops a couple times a day (people new to oils should use 1-2 drops, 1-3 times daily to avoid overload of detoxification. Upcoming blog topic!).
It flavors water, but is beneficial! What's the point of using crystal light or other water additives when they're actually adding toxins to your body?! It's also great for the skin and breaking up mucus. If you're sick grab lemon, thieves, lavender and peppermint and you'll knock that thing out! I also use it if I've eaten or possibly drank too much :/ lemon water before bed after eating or drinking helps reduce bloating and the hangover feeling. Super great for cleaning and you can make a green non-toxic bleach with it for cleaning! I use it in a lemon water bath to clean fruit!

If drinking any oil use glass! If you use plastic the oil will actually disintegrate   the plastic. Sound scary? In your body it's doing the same thing, breaking down all that junk! Try putting a drop of lemon oil on plastic, cool science experiment! I started with a leftover snapple bottle until I splurged and bought a glass water bottle from Target. 

Here's a great testimony to Lemon from someone new to oils! After using lemon in her water for 1 week and doing nothing else different, this is the message I got!! I mean wow, after 1 week she was able to wear jeans she hadn't worn in a year.

It detoxes the liver; which the liver is another thing that doesn't get enough credit. The liver is responsible for cleansing blood before it's sent out to the rest of the body. For our purposes, lets call it the gate keeper. The liver works hand in hand with the pancreas, gallbladder and intestines to digest, absorb and process food. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. As it does so, the liver secretes bile that ends up back in the intestines. The liver also makes proteins important for blood clotting and other functions. The liver is also a major gate keeper and storage bin for hormones. So, today when I had a rush of adrenaline aka epinephrine which probably also spiked my cortisol and norepinephrine my body absorbed what I needed. What was leftover, the liver takes and stores. We have hormone spikes on a daily basis due to stress, diet,environments and a bunch of other factors. The liver collects and stores all that to give us cleansed blood. Which is why lemon is awesome, helps clean out the gatekeeper/24 hour storage bin, aka the liver. 

The desk reference describes Lemon as having the following properties: anticancer, antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-fungal, antioxidant, antiviral, astringent, invigorating,  and tonic. 

Common primary uses: antioxidant, antiviral, anxiety, cleaning, brain injury, colds, concentration, constipation, Cushing's syndrome, depression, dish sanitizer, disinfecting, dysentery, fever, furniture police, gout, gum/ grease removal, heartburn, hangovers, kidney stones, malaria, mumps, overeating, varicose veins, water purification. 

Historically, lemon has been used to fight food poisoning, malaria and typhoid. Lemon has also been used to lower blood pressure and treat muscular aches and pains. I freaking love this oil :) 

Thanks for reading! 

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