I have mixed feelings about writing a blog versus posting a video. After doing my first video workshop, I'm kind of in love! I had several bloopers :) I referred to back pain as a grumpy back! I'm not living that down in my boyfriend's eyes. But down to business.
Lavender is one of those oils that doesn't get enough credit. I once heard someone say, "if you don't know what oil to use, use lavender." That has never steered me wrong. I've heard people tell me that lavender smell gives them headaches and this might. I won't make a claim like that, but 95% of lavender fragrance is from the plant lavandin. One thing that is great for burns is Lavender, 100% pure theuraputic grade Lavender. Lavandin will actually push the burn in further. There's like 50+ strains of Lavender and only 2 are therapeutic. If you look at your Young Living label it will show you the Latin name. That guarantees you're getting the correct oil. Lavender is known for figuring out there's a problem and going after it!
I like to use Lavender for:
-I put it on my scarves for a nice fragrance, but also for relaxation. If you ever see my sniffing my scarves you know I've got an oil on it ;)
-I use it for infection and cuts.
-I put1 or 2 drops on a Q-tip and swab the inside of my nose for my allergies. With that and lemon water I've had no problems with my allergies this or last season.
-Bug bites and rashes.
-I put 2 drops of Lavender in my mascara and I think it's helping my eyelashes become thicker and longer.
-I love putting it on the crown of my dogs head for calming it helps to make her coat shiny.
-Lavender is great to diffuse as well!
Here's what the handy dandy reference book says about Lavender-
It's an analgesic, anticoagulant, anti-convulsive, antidepressant, anti-fungal, antihistamine, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory,antimicrobial, anti mutagenic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, anti-tumor, cardiotonic, regenerative and works as a sedative.
It can be used for: Acne, ADD/ADHD, allergies, anxiety, blisters, repelling bugs, calming burns, chapped lips, chicken pox, cholesterol, cooling, improving concentration. dandruff depression, diaper rash, dry skin, hair loss, high blood pressure, hives, impetigo, postpartum depression, scabies, scaring, sensitive skin, stretch marks, sunburn, wounds and wrinkles.
Thanks for reading!!
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