Sunday, April 13, 2014

What's in the bag?!- I always have these oils with me!

So, it's been awhile! This week I was in a funk! Work was busy and I've been busy outsisde of that and it equated to less sleep than normal. Joy, Lavender and Peppermint were used frequently to keep me from freaking out or sleeping out the week! In 25 years of life I've realized 2 important things. I don't do well when I'm huyngry or tired and look out if both happen at the same time! I don't have the hunger issues as much since eating paleo for 9 months, but sleepy still gets me!

Someone asked me a great question (thanks, Mallory!) "what's your favorite, can't live without oil?" I had to think, it's hard to narrow it to just one! But the winner is..... Peppermint! 

Peppermint oil is the bomb and has countless uses! I think it's my comfort oil, becaus it was the 1st oil I used and got my hooked! Lets go back to Febuary of last year. I had over indulged in cheesecake (this is pre-paleo), honestly I over indulged! I was sick, like get the sweatpants, cause the jeans cant' contain me sick! Don't judge, we've all been there :). Within a few minutes I felt less like throwing up than i first did. I also felt like sweatpants were no longer life or death. Within 10 minutes I felt so much better! Almost good enough to think about eating more cheesecake in the future, but I killed that thought despite peppermint rescuing me ;) 

I use it for tummy aches, body aches, congestion, flavoring to food, headaches, concentration, to stay awake while driving or listening to boring conversations, stress, to improve my workouts (increases cellular respiration=more oxygen=breath better=better workouts), cool me off, allergies and digestion. I came close to running out of it one time and I kinda freaked. Sound crazy? Well use this oil and you'll figure out what I'm talking about. Now, oils respond individually to a person's body, so maybe peppermint won't be your favorite, but it'll be a top 5! The cool thing about peppermint is that it amplifies whatever oil it tops. So If I put Valor on my back because it's sore and then layer peppermint on top, voila! Amplified affects of Valor, plus the benefits of peppermint! 

Here's what my handy-dandy desk reference says about peppermint ( I love this book! You can look anything up in it!)

It's properties include: analgesic, antibacterial, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory (prostrate and nerves), antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral and invigorating. 

Common uses: alertness, airborne allergies, skin allergies, antibacterial, antioxidant, asthma, autism, bad breath,brain injury, carpal tunnel, chronic fatigue syndrome, cold sores, concentration, constipation, cooling, cramps, crohn's, diarrhea, energizing, fainting, fever, flu, fas, headache, heartburn, heatstroke, hemorrhoids, hives, hot flashes, indigestion, IBS, itching, jet lag, memory, migraine, morning sickness, motion sickness, MS, muscle fatigue, nausea, ringworm, scabies, sciatica, tennis elbow, varicose veins and vomiting. 

Thanks for reading, folks! The next few blogs will be going over what oils I always have in my purse! 

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