Today we're talking about why I picked Young Living. Lets not kid ourselves, theres's a lot of oil companies out there! You an go to Whole Foods or Hyvee Health Market and buy oils, but they aren't the same quality. I'll give the actual reasons why Young Living is of higher quality, but here's my opinion in Danielle language :).
#1 They stand behind their product. Meaning that they test it themselves, but also send it out to other labs to make sure it's of highest quality. No one does that! Heck, medical companies, shampoo companies and car companies don't do that. It's an excellent checks and balances system! Gary Young (Founder) travels all over the world looking for the best plants and then he buys where the plant is located...leads me to #2
#2 They own and oversee everything! They can guarantee quality because they oversee planting, growing, harvesting and distilling. Again, no one does that. Remember when Aldi's had the Horse Meat deal? That happened because they didn't oversee the production of a product that they were selling. They bought it from someone that said this is "beef" and took it at their word. Young Living owns the farms, that grows the plants, that makes the oils. Pretty cool! It's kind of like a CSA or a grocery store. If I'm at a CSA I know the farmer. I know how the farmer grows the plants and cares for them. I know how they handle the plant. If I go to the store all I know about the food is that it's at the store.
#3 They're organic! Enough said :) they even weed by hand.
#4 It's a company that genuinely cares about its customers. They as a company are committed to making people better. Most companies can't claim that. If you have doubts read this Gary young is also currently building a hospital in Somalia. They're committed to people and I like that!
#5 They work! I can't give examples for all the ways they've helped me and reaffirmed that they work, its a ton. Whether I'm angry and need some joy. I'm getting sick and use thieves to stop it. Peppermint for my headaches or lemon to help me feel less bloated and yucky! I mentioned the biggest yesterday. Endometriosis literally made me hate a lot of things, including my body. Sure working out and eating better has helped, but using oils, especially progressence plus made doing those things feasible and enjoyable! Heck even hospitals are figuring out that oils work! Here's a list of hospitals actively using oils!
Here's the Seed to Seal Process from YL's website that does a much better job of explaining why the oils are quality. I just needed to get my opinion in too :)
Seed to Seal
When it comes to our essential oils, Young Living sets the standard for purity and authenticity. We carefully monitor the production of our oils from beginning to end through our unique Seed to Seal® process, ensuring the purity of each essential oil and protecting nature’s living energy in every bottle.
For more than two decades, we've diligently overseen every step of this process, both on our own global farms and with our carefully vetted partner farms.This unsurpassed commitment to quality means that you can be confident that the Young Living essential oils and oil-infused products you use in your home are safe and effective.
Powerful, effective essential oils come from seeds and plants that are verified for their essential oil potential by Young Living experts, partnering with university experts.
Young Living farms, located around the globe, are dedicated to perfecting the best growing and harvesting methods. Our experts also travel the world visiting our co-op farms to verify that their growing and cultivating processes match our high standards. These operations provide an ongoing source for essential oils that meet Young Living’s demanding quality standards.
Combining ancient and modern techniques, Young Living is recognized as an innovator in essential oil distillation. We use a gentle, proprietary technique for steam extracting the most effective essential oils, as well as using cold pressing and resin tapping methods for select oils.
Young Living never accepts diluted, cut, or adulterated oils. To guarantee consistent quality, our oils are tested in Young Living’s own internal labs, as well as in third-party facilities, to ensure that they meet stringent specifications, exceed international standards, and contain the optimal levels of natural bioactive compounds.
Young Living completes the Seed to Seal process in its 107,000-square-foot facility in Spanish Fork, Utah. Using state-of-the-art equipment, each essential oil is carefully bottled into protective amber glass bottles—ready to be shipped to members worldwide.
Thanks for reading! Over and out Boy and Girl Scouts! ohh and if you have questions or comments I'd love to hear them!
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