Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ningxia Red-the last "energy drink" you'll ever need!

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As some of you know, I'm passionate about oils. Along with oils, I'm passionate about overall health and performance as well. During my days as a college basketball player, I realized the importance of body performance. Every single time we went on Thanksgiving, Christmas and when the season was completely done, I would get sick. Really sick! It was like my body had given all that it could and recognized the down time it was due. 

I thought this would end when I finished basketball, wrong! It seems my body is much smarter than my mind. I at times have a tendency to push my body too hard and for too long. When this gets excessive, I would get sick just like during bball. Not only that, I started to exhibit autoimmune responses (looking back I've had chronic health issues until the last 1 plus years). The tissues around my eyes would swell shut, I'd struggle to breathe if it got really bad. This ended in ER trips leaving with a body shock full of steroids to reverse the effects. My Doctor couldn't figure out what triggered these responses. I also got tired, drop dead tired. It would take me a week plus to recover. I realized eventually that it was stress. My body would literally shut down when I was too stressed. 

The last time this happened was right before my Endometriosis surgery. I was really stressed about the surgery, prognosis, future and how long it would take for me to get back to normal. I was new to oils at this time (had the kit for 1 week). About 2 days before surgery I started to notice my autoimmune response being triggered. I also was running a fever. If I didn't get it under control I'd have to reschedule the surgery for a month out and I was prepared for it right then, not later. In the Premium Starter Kit there are two 2oz packets of Ningxia Red. I had read somewhere that it helped with the immune system. I thought why not?! I chugged one packet, put Thieves on the bottom of my feet, Peppermint around my navel and Lavender on all of my limbs. After a 2 hour nap, I felt noticeably better. A few hours later, right before bed I drank the last packet. By morning I was normal. No swelling, no breathing issues and I wasn't fatigued! On my mother I have never had an autoimmune flare up that didn't end in an ER trip. This was the first time! I laugh now at how amazed I was by how powerful Ningxia Red was. Now I just expect results from the oils in Ningxia. 

So over a year later how do I useNingxia Red? I drink 1-2oz every morning. Sometimes I take a shot of it in the afternoon if I know I have a lot to do or if I'm just feeling run down. It tastes delicious in my opinion. I even got my friend who started me on oils to try drinking it for a month. She's still drinking it and so am I. I love the stuff and notice a difference when I don't take it. I'm a bit more tired, less focused, soreness after working out seems to last longer. I struggle with short-term memory details. My old roommates will tell you I used to have OCD about doors. I could never remember if I had locked the door and HAD to check to make sure I had. Now I can remember if I've locked the door and can also recall details about locking the door (looking in the window, struggling with the key, etc). 

Recently I added Ningxia Nitro. Ningxia is great and I stumbled over Nitro on accident. I was given a box and thought why not? Boom, the stuff is awesome! I notice that my workouts are better, my self diagnosed ADHD is controlled and I just feel sharp. Real sharp :). I sleep a lot better now than before. I sleep throughout the night and feel rested in the morning, but I still struggle with energy levels. I honestly think that's a hormone issue. There are so many hormones in the body and although I'm managing the hormones for my Endometriosis I think I still have a ways to go. I won't lie, what I eat directly effects my energy levels. When I'm strict paleo I feel awesome and the Ningxia Red and Nitro make me look like CatWoman. When I cheat or am stressed my energy hits the bucket! What's that tell you about food? 

So enough about me and more about them! 

Ningxia Red has Orange and Lemon essential oils. They are both known to help maintain normal cellular regeneration. They also are high in antioxidant d-limonene which is important for bioactivity. Bioactives are natural compounds that work in your body to promote the healthy function of a large variety of body systems. Tangerine oil is also in NR and has a positive effect on maintaining cholesterol levels. When you add these oils to the other ingredients in NR they help to support normal digestive health, healthy immune function, normal brain function, and a healthy cardiovascular system. 

Wolfberry (Goji) Superfruit:
The wolfberry has one of the highest percentages of fiber of any whole food and contains zeaxanthin-a carotenoid important to maintaining healthy vision. It's also chuck full of polysaccharides, amino acids and vitaminmineral pairs which helps promote optimum internal absorption of all that good stuff. 

Supporting Juice Blend:
Grape Seed Extract which contains polyphenolic compounds that may help support cardiovascular health. Blueberry, Plum, Aronia, Cherry, and pomegranate juice also continues high levels of anthocyanins and polyphenols, which helps block oxygen based free radicals from damaging tissues. Having high levels of antioxidants provided in Ningxia red helps prevent against numerous health risks and helps maintain healthy bodily functions. It also helps with inflammation. That's a topic for another blog but it's true!  

Want some research? Here's some about the effects of Gojiberries which are good for managing blood sugars!

It also helps with weight loss and fighting off disease. I'll say that when I drink Ningxia Red, I crave nothing! It's really great when you're trying to lose weight. When a craving strikes take a shot of Ningxia and put your favorite citrus oil in your water and craving be gone! This is a very sciencey article about that.

Since you haven't spent a lot of time reading this already watch this video! 

One quick testimony about Ningxia Red that isn't mine! A friend of mine has high blood pressure. Medication was used, but if you're familiar with blood pressure medications there isn't a good one out there. Lots of side effects. He asked about Ningxia. I had read some research about using Ningxia Red and Ylang Ylang to reduce and manage high blood pressure. So he tried it. He started with just Ningxia and blood pressure was normal in the AM, but by the end of the day when stress had taken it's tole it was high again. So what did he do? He drank more Ningxia and put Ylang Ylang on the bottom of his feet. How's his blood pressure now?! Normal! He has better numbers now with NR and Ylang Ylang than he did when he was taking medications! Take that pill! 

17 reasons to drink Ningxia Red:

1. The Ningxia Wolfberry provides ample antioxidants to strengthen the immune system.
2. Antioxidants of this berry fight arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis-aiding the circulatory system, including the heart.
3. The Ningxia Red Wolfberry is powerful in helping the liver function properly. The liver is one of the main vital organs in the body and it's a cleansing machine.
4. It has the capability to help your eyes, cataracts, glaucoma and visual acuity. Ningxia Red Wolfberry has the highest sources of carotenoids in all known foods. Beta-carotene is best known as a nutrient for the retina.
5. Cancer help. Wolfberries contain Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide (LBP) which helps cancer patients rebuild their white blood cell count.
6. More cancer help. Acetone extract from Ningxia Wolfberry inhibits gene mutation.
7. Minerals and vitamins found in NX Red act as enzymes and co-factors in the digestion process.

8. Studies involving seniors in China showed a direct correlation between longevity and those that ingested wolfberries.

9. NX helps stabilize blood sugar and lowers blood sugar levels.
10. NX strengths the brain's neurotransmitters against free radical activity.
11. Promotes a sense of well-being. This reduces stress and anxiety, which helps avoid oxidative stress.
12. Has a B Vitamin complex essential to the body.
13. Provides powerful anti-fungal and antibacterial action because it contains solavetivone.
14. Reduces pain caused by inflammation. The berry contains beta-Sitosterol.
15. The Ningxia Red Wolfberry is higher in protein than whole wheat.
16. The Ningxia Red Wolfberry, unlike most berries, has natural Vitamin E, which is a natural restorative antioxidant.
17. A healthier romantic life. The Wolfberry increases overall health performance, including sexual responses.

To close this out, drink Ningxia Red! You won't regret it! 

Young Living

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