Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hormones, am I crazy? No! Balancing hormones with essential oils

So, I've been busy and I realized the other day that when I don't make myself stick to a schedule I get all over the place! So my goal for this week is to get back on track with blogging and working out. One thing I know about my body, is that when I'm stressed my hormones go crazy. Cortisol is an old foe.

What first started my passion for essential oils was my Endometriosis. I talk about that in my first blog so if you want to know the background story check that out! Today I want to focus on Progessence Plus. I totally credit this oil and a diet change with my Endometriosis being cured!

To talk about hormones we need to talk a little about biology, anatomy and history. The history plays a part in the fact that women and men have been terribly misdiagnosed and treated for hormonal issues. "She's bipolar" "unstable" "over sensitive" "going through the change" All of these phrases usually describe something that has to do with hormones in my opinion. I'm not a Dr, yet,but I think there's enough research and background information to support the fact that hormones are not addressed the way they should be. Also, food plays a huge role in hormone balancing. Conventional food especially meat and dairy are PUMPED with hormones (2). Don't get me started on how preservatives effect hormones :) If you'd like to learn more, read this book! http://www.amazon.com/It-Starts-Food-Discover-Unexpected/dp/1936608898/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1403058813&sr=8-1&keywords=its+starts+with+food

The Endocrine system is all about hormones! If it's a hormone it's connected to the Endocrine system.  The Pituitary Gland is this tiny thing in your brain that is probably the most important organ when talking about hormones. It sits between your eyes, about an inch and a half back. It's super duper fragile and controls hormones and influences moods. Its crucial to growth, mental development, reproduction and also influences the rest of the Endocrine system. It is the boss of your other hormones! It also helps to regulate blood pressure, influences some aspects of pregnancy, controls sex organs, water regulation in your body and is the Thyroid's friend (1).

It can be injured so easily through: whiplash, TBI, an air bag deploying, mild to moderate blows to the head (soccer balls, bumping), sexual abuse as a child (stops development of the pituitary gland), Tumors, snorting or huffing drugs, radiation exposure, and prolonged stress. I personally had 2 concussions while playing college basketball and was involved in 2 car accidents. During this time I also had a major change in my family status. I honestly believe that those events, between the physical damage on top of the emotional trauma triggered my Endometriosis.

So what's the problem with synthetic hormones? Well, they increase your chances of getting cancer. Check out this article and the study behind it. http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2006Jul24/0,4670,EstrogenBreastCancer,00.html
There's a lot out there about it and I think it's only going to get worse based on how our food is treated with hormones. This article also has some great info. And when he talks about bio identical hormones, Progessence Plus (P+) is a bioavailable hormone because it's made from yams (3)! Which means it reduces your chances of cancer (3).

So I've spent enough time talking about how important hormones are and it's even more important to use bio-identical because your body receives it. Taking 1 birth control pill increases your risk of breast cancer by 120% (3). Synthetic hormones also don't address the problems of not having a hormone balance. Most women have more estrogen than progesterone. Most hormonal issues disappear with an increase of natural progesterone and good news, P+ contains the P4 progesterone that we make in our bodies. Progesterone is super important because it helps regulate body functions, maintaining pregnancy, normalizing blood sugars, helps us use fat for energy (weight loss), beneficial anti-inflammatory effects, reduces swelling and inflammation, and helps regulate mood (3).

Some signs of having low progesterone may include:
Menopausal symptoms
inconsistent cycles
sugar cravings
ovarian cysts
low basal body temp
irregular periods
allergy symptoms
spotting in the days before your periods begins
recurrent early miscarriage
blood clots during your cycle
cold hands and feet
brittle nails
cracked heels
decreased sex drive
menstrual cramps
depression and/or anxiety
fibrocystic breasts
gallbladder issues
foggy thinking
headaches and migraines
vaginal dryness
slow metabolism
mood swings
weight gain-especially if around the middle of your body (3)

Remember when I said too much Cortisol was a bad thing? Well, it blocks progesterone receptor sites (stress reduction is very important!)

To the rescue! P+

I could go on an on about this, but it works! Great places to use it is on the inner forearms, on both sides of your throat, on the ankles, inner thighs, in the middle of your forehead and over the abdomen. I think it's best to start using P+ at night before bed. You may experience a detox and hormonal balancing and that can cause headaches, keep using P+ until it goes away. If you start at night, you'll probably bypass that! I didn't experience that, but I believe in full disclosure and I think knowledge is power!

It's also important to balance your hormones through exercise, eating, sleeping, and lifestyle choices. All of those things trigger a hormonal response. Make sure you're triggering good hormonal responses. Exercising  every day is extremely important. I admit, I've struggled with it the last 2 weeks, but I've tried to do something very day. That's better than nothing! Eating lots of healthy meats (organic and hormone free) and fresh fruits and vegetables are also helpful. Stress is huge, find ways to reduce stress in your life or at least lessen the effects. Go for a walk, get a pedicure or massage, call a friend, take a nap. Do something that helps you cool down, or better yet, not get upset!

If you'd like to know more, msg me on here, email me daniballard@hotmail.com, call or tx me, find me on Facebook. If you're like to order and you're already a member or customer, just add this to your cart. If you're new to oils and are interested in purchasing this, go to http://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/beauty/life-balance/progessence-plus-serum

Click on purchase, and add number 1412935 where it asks for sponsor/enrollee, finish filling out the rest of the information and get excited for your oil!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope this benefits you as much as it has me! I believe it will!

(1) Hormone Health Network-http://www.hormone.org/hormones-and-health/the-endocrine-system/endocrine-glands-and-types-of-hormones#Pituitary
(2) Hartwig, Dallas & Melissa. It starts with food. 
(3) Purser, Dr. Dan. Hormone Health 
Medical disclaimer 
The information contained on this website is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  The information represents what I, an Independent Distributor of Young Living Essential Oils, have chosen to do to take charge of my own personal health and that of my family.  Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using these products.
Information found on this site is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment. Individual articles and information on other websites are based upon the opinions of the respective authors, who retain copyright as marked.
With that being said, every drug that has been recalled by the FDA, was first approved by them.

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