Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What's in the bag-Frankincense (memory/dementia is addressed in this blog)

So this week has been crazy! On Friday my grandma was involved in a farm accident. A bad one. I'll leave it at that because I know if I gave more detail, she'd be embarrassed for the World Wide Web to know. But this situation although taxing, there's been some positives. My grandma for the last several years has struggled with memory and is even showing some dementia. Dementia is a nasty beast and can't really be diagnosed, but those who have gone through it know  how bad it can be! So, this segment part of the blog is dedicated to my grandmother and anyone else going through memory loss or other tough issues with the family.

I hated the smell of it when I first started oiling, but I love it now. I used it for scars on my face. After a few weeks of putting it on a couple times a week the spots weren't noticeable or were completely gone. I often think what would have happened had I used it daily?! I also like it in the Slique gum which is good for weight loss, controlling cravings and overall gum health.

So, at times my grandma is off. She's one of the strongest people I know and the last few years she's just been different. More forgetful and not as quick. The first time I saw her in the hospital it took her awhile to recognize me and she asks the same questions several times. As you yourself become more familiar with oils, what oils you use will just come to you. I instantly thought of Frankincense  and orange oil. So what have I noticed in my grandma after diffusing Frankincense for 3 days?

Improved memory! She doesn't ask the same questions and seems more assured in herself. Lately she's been self-guessing a lot and that's stopped. She's also more consistent in mood. She's also been sleeping 10 hours a night along with taking naps. Maybe skeptics will say the pain meds are causing that...but in my own little experiment I've noticed that when she takes the meds and I don't diffuse she's lost. She thought it was 1994 today. Within an hour of using Frankincense she was asking me about work and remembered what book I was reading. That's huge for her! Sooo huge! Even my family has noticed a difference.

Frankincense is a pretty popular and old oil. Remember the Christmas story, the one that includes Jesus :) well Frankincense was brought to him along with myrrh. It's mentioned over 52 times in the bible as a single oil and there's other references where it's used in a blend. Check out Exod. 30:34, Lev. 2:1,2,15,16 and Matt. 2:11.

It's good for: being anticancer, antidepressant, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-tumoral, sedative and is an immune stimulant. So why's this important? Well again, oils help our body function at it's highest capability. Having the above isn't our highest potential! So I believe it works, but even the conventional science world is realizing it works! Check out this article
 Cool stuff, right! Here's my favorite part from that piece

"Frankincense separates the 'brain' of the cancerous cell - the nucleus - from the 'body' - the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes.""Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell's nucleus becomes corrupted," he says. "It seems frankincense has a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be.
Working with frankincense could revolutionise the treatment of cancer. Currently, with chemotherapy, doctors blast the area around a tumour to kill the cancer, but that also kills healthy cells, and weakens the patient. Treatment with frankincense could eradicate the cancerous cells alone and let the others live.
All oils are really great at improving cellular function and communication, but Frankincense seems to work really really hard in that area. The historical use of Frankincense was to improve communication with God. It's a highly regarded oil and luckily for us,Young Living distills the oil in the most optimal way to provide us with all of the benefits Frank can help us with. Here's a great abstract from a study about Frank and cancer
You can use the oils however you want, but here's some ways I've had great success! 
1. Diffuse for mood or wear as a perfume. Science tells us that when we smell the olfactory system in the brain produces an emotional response before we have a cognitive thought. Boost that initial response to be a positive and pleasant one! 
2. Apply to temples or wrists to relieve stress. 
3. Put it on your skin--anywhere :) it promotes regeneration of skin and healthy cells. Helps prevent and reduce wrinkles when used topically. 
4. It repairs and fades scar tissue from stretch marks, acne and surgery. it also helps those areas heal quickly. 
5. Stops itching. Apply a few drops to help those itchy areas. 
6. Pain reliever-put on joints, injuries or areas that are hurting.
7. Disinfectant- put it on wounds to clean and disinfect. 
8. May help remove warts. Apply it several times a day until the wart is gone. This may take a few weeks. This works for skin tags too! 
9. Reduces inflammation. You can apply it topically or put it in a capsule. 
10. Strengthens the immune system-apply to the bottom of your feet or in a capsule. It increases the activity of leukocytes in defense of the body against infection. 
11. Having a baby? Apply it to lower back to ease pain--can also help with calming. 
12. Apply it to insect bites to reduce swelling and speed up healing. .
13.  Enhance Visual Acuity – Many have eliminated the need for reading glasses by applying frankincense around 
the eye area – on the cheek bone and brow bone. Over a period of months, the vision often improves. 
Some have even regained the peripheral vision that had been limited. They put one drop of frankincense in the 
palm, rubbed the palms together, and cupped the palms over open eyes for 3 minutes 2-3 times each day.
NOTE:  This can cause the eyes to water and/or tingle as the molecules of the essential oils disperse. In addition, remember that the condition did not occur “overnight”, and it may take many months before significant improvement is noticed.
14. Improves Concentration - apply 1-2 drops of on temples and/or back of neck to help improve concentration. Or diffuse it! I think this has really helped my grandmother! 
15.  Brittle Nails – 1 drop on nails  to help strengthen brittle or weak fingernails.
16.  Cysts -apply 1-2 drops on cyst 2 times a day until it disappears.
17.  Overall health – Healthy Maintenance. Dilute 1 drop Frankincense oil in 1tsp. honey or 4 oz. rice milk and ingest daily for health maintenance.
18.  Cancer – Frankincense is anti -tumoral.  Several documented cases.

Hope this was helpful! I'm so grateful that you took the time to read this :)

Information for this blog was taken from the above studies and the 

 "Reference Guide for Essential Oils" (New 2013 Edition) by Connie and Alan Higley. If you don't have this reference guide get it on Amazon or msg me for ways to order it! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pre and Post Surgery using Young Living Oils

 One big thing about surgery is arming the body. The healthier the body is going into surgery, the quicker recovery takes place. Here are some suggestions that may be helpful for an upcoming surgery.


Put lemon in water several times daily. This should be continued after surgery.

If you're not eating 8-10 servings of fruits and veggies and even if you are, Super C and Super B and MegaCal are really great options for arming your body pre surgery!

With that I'd say add Ningxia Red. By nature it's antiflammatory and antioxidant. This will helpyour body   recover faster.
Here is Gary Young's Anti-inflammatory/Anti Pain recipe. 
Valerian -20 drops
Vetiver -20 drops
Helichrysum -10 drops
Clove -5 drops
Idaho Balsam Fir -5 drops
Peppermint -5 drops
Take in 2 capsules every 3-4 hours as needed. You can also put this in coconut oil and rub it on the site of incision. 
Valerian: in old times it was revered to as the "heal all" It's anti-anxiety and antibacterial. It's going to help keep the bad stuff out, but will also calm the central nervous system (CNS), which in turn calms you. Stress prohibits healing in all aspects (2)!
Vetiver: is also antiseptic, calming, grounding, stimulates the immune system. It's used to help heal after trauma and surgery is a big trauma (2). 
Helichrysum: helps improve circulation and also controls bleeding and works on pain. It also helps regenerate new tissue, but reducing scaring. The less scar tissue the healthier the body. Sulfurzyme is also a great product for helping digest scar tissue! Sulfur is the 4th largest element in our body and most people show deficiencies in it. Especially if you weren't breast fed as a baby (2) 
Clove: Clove is a great fungal killer! It's also has a high antioxidant, antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The people of Penang (among the "Spice Islands") had no history of epidemics until the 16th century when Dutch Conquerers destroyed the clove trees. Clove is also great for sinus infections (2).

Idaho Balsam Fir: is great for being an antiseptic, stringent, its anti-inflammatory and helps sedate nerves. It may also help enhance the body's production of hGH (human growth hormone) which is needed for healing and production of new tissue. It may also helps reduce levels of cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone=bad and surgery is stressful on your schedule, lifestyle, but its also super stressful on your body. Any time you can reduce that hormone, it's to your overall benefit!

Peppermint: If you've read my previous blogs you know that peppermint is my favorite! It's a pain killer and also helps amplify the affects of the other oils. Its invigorating to the senses, but also your cells. It helps kick your pain, but also helps speed up recovery.

If you're just interested in oils that can help in surgery  this is your ending place, but since I love the body and talking about it I couldn't help, but talk about how it heals itself :) 
The body goes through 4 phases of healing. The body is super smart and realizes what needs to be done. It's important to realize that even if the surgery is neccesary, it reeks havoc on your body. I mean your colon shuts down for up to 72 hours after being under amnesia...I wish I would have known that when I had surgery :) Make sure you're eating tons and I mean TONS of fresh fruits and veggies to help get fiber and nutrients, but to also give your digestive system plenty of healthy enzymes.

Phase I-Vascular response-
This happens immediately. As soon as the tissue is cut the body works to slow down bleeding and blood vessels constrict to prevent contniued bleeding and protect against infection. Platelets form to clot the injured area (1).

Phase I-inflammatory phase-can last up to 5 days: 
Your body has figured out that it's been compromised and is responding with a force. Blood will clot at the incision/injury site and white blood cells will spike as the body prepares for possible infection. Macrophages then remove damaged cells and other bad stuff(1). 
Phase II-The Proliferative phase can begin anytime from 2 days to 3 weeks after the surgery or injury.  This is when the body works to secrete collagn to reconnect damaged tissue. Vitiamin C, Zinc, Oxygen and Iron are required for this...drink the ningxia! The oils will help oxygenate the body and increase nutrient absorption (1)
Finally, Reconstruction (maturation) phase occurs from 3 weeks to a years after the surgery/injury.  The body replaces collagen put in place in the poliferative phase with stronger, more sturdy collagen and tissue, but this is not as strong as the original tissue. (1).

Thanks for reading!!! Hope this was helpful :) 
(2)  "Reference Guide for Essential Oils" (New 2013 Edition) by Connie and Alan Higley